Saturday, June 6, 2009 Adorable Man...

As a female who is not a girl anymore (hopefully^^) but still not deserving to be called a woman maybe, I used to go through numbers of rough romantic jungle and ended up analyzing and introspecting myself about what I really look from a man.

My music addiction since my childhood age again had a significant impact on that thought, and John Frusciante was and is one of that significant force. I first adore him from his touching playing on "Scar Tissue". That everlasting song that will go on and on for the rest of my life had proved his fluency in transferring his soul into a beautiful sound. And, yeah, I fell in love with him instantly.

Just before I had entered my graduate school in 2005 I saw RHCP's film while they made their "Blood Sugar" album in Hollywood Mansion and realized that John was more than having a beautiful guitar skill, but also he has a very strong charisma that makes him looks very good looking indeed for me. Since that time, I've been dreaming of finding someone (at least) as beautiful as he is in my upcoming college life, but it never happened.

So, I'm a big fan of John. I adore him not just as one of the best guitarist ever exist in this planet but also as a man in general. I don't know him personally (of course!) but from his guitar playing, his lyrics, and his reaction to great fame and interviews I think he is an extra-humble man. He has an extreme creativity and sensitivity regarding the world around him that I think make him so unique but sometimes also make him misunderstood. In my opinion, he's just a kind of "needy" person sometimes and could be very vulnerable although he has come back strong from his deep depression in his youth.

But anyway, in every songs he writes, in every covers he sings, and in every sounds he makes with guitar I still feel the vulnerability in him. And you know, being vulnerable is sexy for me (What??!! haha)...and so it makes him more adorable for me.

I think if I was meet someone like him then it would be very hard for me not to fall in love with that person. A man like him is just way too irresistable...^^

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