Sunday, May 8, 2011

Book Whore, I am.

I used to blog and blab and brag about music. That's where this blog got the name for. Actually I also have another side of strong addiction, called literature. I fell in love with books and literatures naturally since I was a child. "Trio Detektif" was my first novel-read and Gulliver's Travel was my first English-novel-read.

Now I fell in love with classic literatures very much since I just wanna think much about world itself. I also love Indonesian classic literatures but since the literatures were developed in this country just around 1920's, there's not much variation in their way of expressing. Hence, several great literatures are enough for me to make an inference.

That is not the case with world classic literatures, of course, since they varied widely from ancient ages to modern time, and from the Persian Gulf to the Japanese tea garden. It's just a wide open ocean of knowledge, ideas, and expressions with the unknown depth. I am practically drawn to it.

I then started to collect books as my personal net worth increasing along the time. Here's the list of the book I intendedly or accidentally have now:
1. Arthur Golden's Memoir of a Geisha
2. Homer's Odyssey
3. Feng Menglong's Ming Dinasty's Stories to warn the world (4 books)
4. Puccini's Madame Butterfly; an Opera Guide
5. Miyamoto Musashi's sword philosophy
6. err... OK, that's too much maybe, let me just get into the things I am currently reading...

a. Homer's Odyssey
b. Musashi's
c. Feng Menglong's
d. Multatuli's Max Havelaar
e. trying to find and reading the rest volume of Cressida Cowell's How to Train Your Dragon
f. Maxim Gorki's
g. a bunch of economic literatures from Easterly's critiques to the conventional growth theory
to Romer's Macroeconomics textbooks and a SEVERAL other bunch of journals...

Okay, I am a food whore, and book is definitely my daily food in this case...and they are becoming crunchier than ever as my examination coming towards me. Good luck to me!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make It Real

Tonight I have TONS of things to do...but I go stuck
My mind is stuck on those things again.
My eye can't stop lingering at one of my friends' online picture.
She's there trying to catch her dream.
It could be fame, it could be money, it could be respect, but among all other things, it must be him.
She went through it all for him. He is her dream.
Now I see her picture with him...a worth trying, buddy! (?)

She's not the first who do that. I have another female friend who has done it all before.
She was searching for that man with her heart...with all of her heart.
She was at point that she didn't longer care about what they say about them anyway.
She made it. A success story.

Me...well, also have had several "him", whom none of them I took a dare of...
none of them I was willing to do such thing for
none of them I was trying to search for
...maybe none of them I give my heart to actually.

No, but my point is tonight.
I got him tonight to soothe me when I go crazy in mind,
when I feel pathetically exhausted, discouraged, yet overwhelmed by myself.
He's my way out tonight.
He made it real for me tonight.
Could he make it real again for any other night?

Friday, February 11, 2011

She's just My Age

Today I met my friend on the mall. It's an ordinary mall, another ordinary day in our long-lasting friendship. I've known her for almost the last 10 years and we have been friends ever since.

She came with her little sister. We went shopping together. She's the eldest child in her family with her three little siblings. Her mother had passed away. Her father's business was quite often having a disastrous difficulties and the fortune goddess seemed to put the star on her. Then she became the bread-winner in her family. She's very strong, I have to say.

I went shopping many times with my other friends and usually ended up in some upscale stores scanning the fancy apparels and other cute things, but shopping with her today was at least, slightly different. We went to the grocery store. She and her sister picked up the detergent, the cooking oil, and other leave-it-to-your-mother-stuffs.

I am still having my mother at home. She's the one who usually picks up those things and ensures that the stock will always be properly adequate. Well, me, too, more or less, a kind of bread-winner in my family now. I am adequately paid doing the jobs that I loved, the ones that I'm gratefully embracing in my life. I used to raid off the grocery store by myself thinking about the stocks in my house and starting to pick up the things like flour, jelly powder, chili sauce, noodles, milk, and slowly trying to back up my mother's role. I love cooking and love to set up my mind in a way that making me a-wife-and-mother-material-girl. I do it all along for "fun", at my own interest. I used to think that I'm the rare one, minority-kind, until today I saw the bigger responsibilities had been taken.

Finally, at cashier, a toddler in a stroller beside me stared at me. He's a boy. I smiled and rubbed his hair. Ah, kids...I will have them someday hopefully. I always want them.

and my friend continued her shopping time with her sister. They went to the restaurant. I went home and said hello to my home-made lasagna at the afternoon. (January 23, 2011)