I used to blog and blab and brag about music. That's where this blog got the name for. Actually I also have another side of strong addiction, called literature. I fell in love with books and literatures naturally since I was a child. "Trio Detektif" was my first novel-read and Gulliver's Travel was my first English-novel-read.
Now I fell in love with classic literatures very much since I just wanna think much about world itself. I also love Indonesian classic literatures but since the literatures were developed in this country just around 1920's, there's not much variation in their way of expressing. Hence, several great literatures are enough for me to make an inference.
That is not the case with world classic literatures, of course, since they varied widely from ancient ages to modern time, and from the Persian Gulf to the Japanese tea garden. It's just a wide open ocean of knowledge, ideas, and expressions with the unknown depth. I am practically drawn to it.
I then started to collect books as my personal net worth increasing along the time. Here's the list of the book I intendedly or accidentally have now:
1. Arthur Golden's Memoir of a Geisha
2. Homer's Odyssey
3. Feng Menglong's Ming Dinasty's Stories to warn the world (4 books)
4. Puccini's Madame Butterfly; an Opera Guide
5. Miyamoto Musashi's sword philosophy
6. err... OK, that's too much maybe, let me just get into the things I am currently reading...
a. Homer's Odyssey
b. Musashi's
c. Feng Menglong's
d. Multatuli's Max Havelaar
e. trying to find and reading the rest volume of Cressida Cowell's How to Train Your Dragon
f. Maxim Gorki's
g. a bunch of economic literatures from Easterly's critiques to the conventional growth theory
to Romer's Macroeconomics textbooks and a SEVERAL other bunch of journals...
Okay, I am a food whore, and book is definitely my daily food in this case...and they are becoming crunchier than ever as my examination coming towards me. Good luck to me!